THE CODER Personal Information Processing Policy
THE CODER (hereinafter referred to as "Company") establishes and discloses personal information processing guidelines as follows to protect personal information and to handle complaints promptly and smoothly.
Article 1 (Object Purpose of Personal Information)
The Company does not collect or process personal information for any other purpose. In the event that the purpose of collection / processing or use of personal information is changed for a specific purpose in the future, we will implement necessary measures such as receiving separate consent.Article 2 (Processing and Retention Period of Personal Information)
① The Company shall process and retain personal information within the period of use agreed upon when collecting personal information.② Each personal information processing and retention period is as follows.
1. In the case of personal information collected through the APP, it will be immediately discarded and will not be collected or stored separately.
Article 3 (Providing Third Party of Personal Information)
We do not share personal information with third parties.Article 4 (Consignment of personal information processing)
We do not entrust the processing of personal information to other companies.① The Company shall specify in the contract documents such matters as the prohibition of personal information processing, the technical and administrative protection measures, restriction of re-entrustment, management and supervision of the trustee, and compensation for damages, We will oversee whether the trustee handles personal information securely.
② If the contents of the consignment service or the consignee change, we will disclose it through this personal information processing policy without delay.
Article 5 (Rights, duties and methods of information subjects)
① The information subject can exercise the right of personal information protection at any time with respect to the company.1. If there is an error, request correction
2. Delete request: You can delete APP directly.
Article 6 (Personal Information Items to be Processed)
The company processes the following personal information items.① Use of GPS position information in APP: Provide additional services using location information when scanning images or sound, and the information is not collected or used for other purposes.
② SD card read / write: It is necessary to have authority to record the details of the image or sound scan on the SD card storage, and the information is not collected or used for other purposes.
③ Camera: Permission is required to scan images, and the information is not collected or used for other purposes.
④ Microphone: Permission is required for sound scanning, and the information is not collected or used for other purposes.
⑤ Wi-Fi connection information: It is necessary to access through network to check the result value when scanning image and sound, using LTE, 3G, Wi-Fi connection, and the information is not collected or used for other purposes.
Article 7 (Destruction of personal information)
The Company does not collect, use or hold personal information.① If stored in the SD card storage for scan history recording, it can be deleted by using the APP delete function.
Article 8 (Measures to Ensure the Safety of Personal Information)
The Company does not collect, use or hold personal information.Article 9 (Person in Charge of Personal Information Protection)
① The Company is responsible for the handling of personal information, and has designated the person responsible for personal information protection as follows for the complaints of the information subject related to the processing of personal information and remedies.▶ Director of personal information protection Management
Name: Joong Cheol, Lee
Position: Director of Technology Innovation Research Institute
TEL: +82-31-949-0907
FAX: +82-31-949-0773
※ It leads to the personal information protection department.
▶ Personal information protection Manager
Department: Technology Innovation Research Institute
Contact Person: Chang hyun, Um, Personal Information Officer at Technology Innovation Research Institute
TEL: +82-31-949-0907
FAX: +82-31-949-0773
② The information subject can inquire about personal information protection related complaint, complaint handling, damage relief, etc., which occurred while using the company's service (or business), to the person in charge of personal information protection and the department in charge. The company will answer and handle inquiries of the information subject without delay.
Article 10 (Request for personal information)
Requests for personal information can be made to the following departments. The Company will endeavor to promptly process the request for the personal information of the information subject.▶ Request for personal information inquiries, processing department
Department: Technology Innovation Research Institute
Contact Person: Chang hyun, Um, Personal Information Officer at Technology Innovation Research Institute
TEL: +82-31-949-0907
FAX: +82-31-949-0773
Article 11 (Change of Personal Information Processing Policy)
① This privacy policy will take effect on March 2, 2017.COPYRIGHT (c) 2017 THE CODER. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED